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Preeta Pradhan | Wholeness Coach and Intuitive Sound Energy Healer

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Interviewed by The Success Today – A Digital Webzine.

Could you tell us about yourself and your work?

After a career of over three decades in technology, education, communication, training and marketing, having re-invented me professionally and personally many times over, I eventually called it quits in 2016 as Vice President of Marketing & Product Strategy with a mid-size, rapidly growing technology organization.

I gave myself 3 years to find a path that would hold good till my last days. These 3 years, I invested in myself – discovering my ikigai and establishing myself as a Wholeness Coach and a Sound Energy Healer.

In my personal & professional journey, I learned that I have resilience, persistence and fearlessness, which empowers me whatever the situation or circumstance. And as an intrepid explorer, I know I can face whatever life presents.

Personally, I have trusted my intuition, taken what serves me best and moved out of toxic situations. Single is not seen as a happy status, especially when one is in the 50-60 age bracket – but I chose it when life entered a dark phase. Today I empower women to find their powers and choose happiness and freedom over conditioning.

How you and your service is helping society?

I endeavour to empower individuals to live in a space of expansion and gratitude. The more people are happy, grateful and transformed – the more lives they will impact.

There’s so much grief, sorrow, anger, and apathy amongst members of our society. Mental & emotional wellness is becoming a priority, and rightly so. This is true across gender, age and strata.

My work builds a foundation for a calmer, more inclusive and kinder community.

What is the USP of your work?

My USP is the simplicity of the message, immediacy of the transformation and transparency of the approach.

What are your Vision and Mission?

As a freelancer coach-healer / solopreneur, I aim to empower individuals to live life with conscious choices. I learned through my life journey that every time we suffer, we feel stuck or bogged down – it’s a choice. Yet, in that very situation, we can and must raise our vibration to a higher frequency of expansion. I cannot change what’s not in my control – I can choose to change my perception and my responses.

So my vision is to empower all who reach me to live from that space.

What are your achievements in this industry?

My work traverses different sectors – coaching, wellness, spirituality, lifestyle, and as I focus on ‘wholeness’ – it’s difficult for me to quantify this achievement.

I consider my achievements when I get feedback from my clients that they are ‘different’ from who they were when they started their journey with me. And the ‘new’ person feels empowered from within.

Does your work ever feel tedious to you? If so, how do you stay driven and motivated towards it?

No, my work never feels tedious to me. After reflection, I chose my work, knowing my ikigai, so the question of finding my work boring doesn’t arise. The work I was doing before, what I do now, was gratifying in many ways but wasn’t something I could envisage myself doing any longer. My personal & group coaching work & healing with Sound is something that enthuses me every moment.

What are your hobbies and specific interests other than your profession?

Beyond my work, my interests are exploring new thought processes, new places, and ancient learning wisdom. I also love being a traveller – visiting new places, trying new cuisines and watching the sun/moon in their phases. I also love taking pictures – candid moments of nature.

You have achieved so much in life. Any specific advice you’d like to share with our readers to grow in life?

Grow, we all do. But to grow ‘with conscious choices’ is what I practice. And that’s what I would like to leave your readers with. So whichever path you choose to walk on, choose with awareness.
Ask yourself – Is this what I truly want? Why? What will achieving this make me feel? Repeat. Till you reach a point where no question remains. Because mostly, what we think we want is only because we have not explored other options.

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